RS Elites for Dun Laoghaire

The RS Elite is said to be the fastest growing keel boat class currently in Ireland and they will be attending this year’s Volvo Dún Laoghaire regatta.

The Elite Fleet plan to hold their Irish National Championship at this prestige event and will draw Elites from UK and Ireland ensuring a large and extremely competitive fleet.

Our English friends are so looking forward to the event that they have the accommodation booked already.

The RS Elite is a one design 24ft 3 man Keel boat designed by Phil Morrison and is a small version of his Americas Cup GBR Boat.  The boat is very easy to handle and can be sailed easily with 2 people in up to 20 knots of breeze.  It is very fast around the race course with upwind speeds over 6 knots in little more breeze and in handicap racing it has an IRC rating of 0.929

Mark Brien the fleet Class Captain from RNIYC (formally a Dragon man), said “We are delighted to be holding the RS Elite Irish Nationals within the Volvo Dun Laoghaire Regatta. This will give us a chance to showcase the boats.

I have sailed at many events around the world and have to say that the Volvo event in                   Dún Laoghaire is by far the most enjoyable both on and off the water. A must attend !!!!!”

If anyone would like to try one out we would welcome the opportunity to demonstrate them during the event. Mark Brien, Fleet Class Captain