Amendments to the SIs 2023 – No 1 to 6

The Sailing Instructions (SI’s) of the Volvo Dun Laoghaire Regatta 2023 are changed as follows: –

Change No.1 – Addendum Collen Racing Area.

Class Flags on Saturday 8th July are: RS21 – ICF “K”, J80 – ICF “E” and Flying Fifteen “Naval Numeral 6”.

Change No.2 – Addendum Coastal Racing Area.

Paragraph 1.2 is changed to read: – The starting line will be between Omega Mark (Y) and a red and white staff or the main mast on the race committee starting vessel. (Words ‘due north of Omega Mark’ deleted).

Change No.3 – Addendum Southbull Racing Area

Windward /Leeward Marks: Add “Mark O (the offset/wing mark) will be a blue plastic buoy.”

Change No.4 – Addendum Southbull Racing Area

SB3 THE FINISH paragraph 3.1 is changed to read:- The finish line will be between a staff/mast on the signal vessel at the port end and the course side of an inflatable mark or dan buoy at the starboard end.

Change No.5 – Change of Racing Area for Cape31 Class on Saturday 8th June 2023

The following SI changes apply :-
6.5 Scheduled Class Racing Areas:- Cape 31 on Saturday 8th July is changed from South (1) to South Bull (3).
Addendum South Racing Area: -Cape 31 on Saturday 8th July is removed from the table of classes.
Addendum South Bull Racing Area:- Cape 31 on Saturday 8th July is added to the table of classes with a warning signal of 11.50 and 3 races scheduled. This also changes SI 6.2 Schedule due to the 1st warning signal being 5 mins earlier.

Change No.6 – Offshore Class – Scoring/Prizes

SI Paragraph 22 Prizes
New sub paragraph 22.4 added:- For the purpose of prizes, the IRC Offshore Class will be scored as a single fleet and also for boats with an IRC TCC 1.020 or more (Sub division A) and a IRC TCC less than 1.020 (Sub-division B). No day prizes will be presented for these two sub-divisions.